Posts by Steve

One Month Later… No Regrets (Steve)

One Month Later… No Regrets (Steve)

Posted By on Jun 19, 2017

I’d originally anticipated making this post about our first full month of the Manonash life; the fun we’re having, the challenges we’ve faced, the work we’ve been doing, and what we’ve learned along the way. Instead, I find myself wondering, certainly not for the first time, what others might be thinking… “We sold our home!” To most, this would be a fairly momentous announcement, filled with excitement, anticipation, and bittersweet...

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Upgrade – New Dinghy

Upgrade – New Dinghy

Posted By on Mar 20, 2015

Over the years, we have experimented with all types of dinghies – looking for the perfect mix of capacity, stability, weight, and maneuverability. Solid dinghies row very well but are just too “tippy” for most guests (landlubbers) and don’t store on deck easily. Rigid inflatables with planing bottoms are fast with a big motor but very heavy! (Plus, who needs a big motor to go 100 yards?) Soft-bottom dinks are...

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Upgrade – New Electric Motor!

Upgrade – New Electric Motor!

Posted By on Mar 20, 2015

This might not seem like a “major” upgrade, but we assure you, it makes a HUGE difference and to our knowledge, we are the only charter in the San Juan Islands to provide guests with a high-end electric dinghy motor! It might be hard to understand why you should be just as excited about this amazing upgrade, so let me try go explain… One of the potentially frustrating parts of cruising (especially for inexperienced...

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